Archive for birthday

birthdays, and baby sex

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , on April 5, 2008 by usgirls

Yesterday was my birthday. I spent 1/2 of it sulking and the other half shopping for a fizzy bath ball (the proze for the worst comments contest winner). I have also come to the realization that no amount of red wine can make me sexy enough for baby sex. Because truly, all sex right now is stressful, waiting for hope , then disappointment, intercourse. This morning my hubbie gave some advice about sthinking about showing our love for each other, and taking care of our needs instead of sex for babies. But of course, that went right over my head.

The problemis, I get so stressed out that I try to AVOID sex. Can you believe it! what a freak I am. Also, I do not recommend target brand ovulation predictor kits. Why did I even bother with those. Am I serious? If anyone has a cure for baby sex anxiety please let me know.

I hope today gets better.